
Private git repos

So I began setting up some private git repos on my own web server. Lots of folks would say to use github for that, or bitbucket. The repos need to be private, mainly because they are my writing projects and works in progress. As you probably know github charges for private repos. Butbucket offers them for free, but I still chose to store these on my own server. Mainly because there will be zero collaboration on these writing projects and github and bitbucket are awesome at collaboration around repos. If it were code, and I'd want people to fork and stuff, things would be different.

To do this, I use a script I put together from forgotten sources on the internet (sorry). The script is written in bash and I run this on my remote host, which I have access to via ssh. Here is the script:

[code lang="python"]
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "usage: $FUNCNAME project-name.git"
mkdir $gitdir
pushd $gitdir
git --bare init
git --bare update-server-info
touch git-daemon-export-ok

The key to this is the git --bare init and git --bare update-server-info. The --bare option makes sure that the root of the repo looks like what you would normally see in the .git directory at the root of every repo. It doesn't contain the current branch's files like a normal git repo does. This is the ideal way to configure a remote origin you use as the central repo (if your git workflow cares about a central repo).

Once that's created, I installed my ssh keys under a new user I created on my remote server, called gitsrc. On my Mac, I configured an ssh alias via .ssh/config as follows:

[code lang="bash"]
Host gitsrc
User gitsrc
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_disven

This allows me to ssh via a simpler syntax. Instead of saying ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_disven, I can simply say ssh gitsrc.

On my local machine, I navigated to the root of each writing project and issued the standard git initialization commands:

[code lang="bash"]
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Then I added the remote origin:

[code lang="bash"]
git remote add origin gitsrc:repos/test.git

I could also have been more verbose and said, but the config file allows me to be more succinct so that's what I did.

That's all I have for you.

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